We reviewed the best technology in the world for maize silage and brought it Pakistan so that the dairy farmers in Pakistan can have the best-baled maize silage.

Future of Dairy Farming
The future of dairy is promising. Strong economic and population growth is expected to lift global demand for milk by 100 billion litres by 2020*.
To take advantage of this opportunity, the challenge for Dairy farmers around the world is to build high producing, more resilient systems which are profitable, environmentally sustainable and globally competitive.

Full of Nutritional Supplements
Significantly more feed will be required to grow the volume of milk produced in Pakistan. Maize silage is the obvious choice of feed because it offers a range of benefits unmatched by any other supplements.
In order to provide dairy farmers with the best silage around the year, Rafiq Agrico has invested to bring quality silage from imported maize seed grown, harvested, chopped and baled at our own farms.

Product of Modren Agriculture
At present, dairy farms use silage bunkers to store maize silage. This is tedious and capital intensive for the dairy farmers.
We are continuously upgrading our infrastructure using latest machinery and techniques. Our baled maize silage is used by some of the largest dairy farmers in Pakistan.